Fun with Chinese Knotting – Button Knot
Thu, Jul 21
COST: RMB 200 (includes cords and clasps) VENUE: 2633 Yan’an Rd. (W), Room A315, opposite Carrefour Gubei

Time & Location
Jul 21, 2022, 10:15 AM – 11:20 AM
About the Event
The button knot is a Chinese knot commonly seen on apparel, accessories, or upholstery. Yet it is very decorative and can add an interesting element to hand-strung jewelry. In this class, Valerie Wu will teach us how to tie the knot in various ways, with two cords, a single cord, or several color cords, and also use the knot as a sliding knot. No prior knotting experience is required.
Thursday, July 21
10:15 AM Registration, 10:30 AM to 12 PM
RMB 200 (includes cords and clasps)
2633 Yan’an Rd. (W), Room A315, opposite Carrefour Gubei
(metro line 10 to Shuicheng Road station, exit 2, or bus 71 to South Shuicheng Road station)
延安西路2633 美丽华大厦A315室
Please complete the online registration by July 14. The event costs must be paid in cash only. SEA coordinator is Valerie Wu, WeChat: valerie6930.
Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to attend the event after receipt of confirmation, please notify us immediately by emailing If it's the day of the event, please ALSO notify the coordinator listed on the event by phone, text, or WeChat.
If you need to cancel after July 14, our SEA cancellation policy applies which states you might still have to pay for your registered event, depending on the vendor. SEA will notify you to either collect or let you pay it at your next registered event.