January Wine Tasting at Pudao Wines
Fri, Jan 29
COST: RMB 288 VENUE: Pudao Wines 376 Wukang Rd. (Ferguson Lane) (metro line 10 to Shanghai Library station, 10-minute walk)

Time & Location
Jan 29, 2021, 6:45 PM – 8:30 PM
About the Event
Please join us for a special evening of wine tasting comparing new world vs. old world Cabernet Sauvignon - France and Italy vs, Australia, China, and the United States. We will introduce new and classic blending, and explore how different climate conditions impact wine.
Friday, January 29
6:45 PM Registration, 7 PM to 8:30 PM
RMB 288
Pudao Wines
376 Wukang Rd., also known as Ferguson Lane
(metro line 10 to Shanghai Library station, 10-minute walk)
Please complete the online registration by January 25. The event costs must be paid in cash only. SEA coordinator is Sarah Eckersley, WeChat: Sarah-eck.
Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to attend the event after receipt of confirmation, please notify us immediately by emailing events@seashanghai.org. If it's the day of the event, please ALSO notify the coordinator listed on the event by phone, text, or WeChat.
If you need to cancel after January 25, our SEA cancellation policy applies which states you might still have to pay for your registered event, depending on the vendor. SEA will notify you to either collect or let you pay it at your next registered event.