By Julie Chun, Community Outreach Chairperson
Who: Shanghai Sunrise
When: Established 1996
What: To provide funding for education to disadvantaged high school and college students in China
In China, education is free up until Grade 10, leaving the teens of those families who cannot afford the education fees without an opportunity to complete high school and go on to college. Since 1996, Shanghai Sunrise has been matching students to sponsors so that Chinese students can pursue education to realize a brighter future. Each student’s family is visited at home and interviewed by Shanghai Sunrise to confirm the need for financial support. Currently SEA supports 3 high school students.
Aside from providing financial support to fund education fees for high school and university students, SEA has been participating for years in the Student Pairing Ceremony, an annual event where the student gets a chance to meet their sponsor face-to-face and at the Student Luncheon where SEA members can meet the students that we sponsor over a casual lunch and fun ice breaker games. These events are always inspiring as we hear testimonies from students who are slowly but surely achieving their dreams.
For more information, please visit:
Or email Frances O’Roark at:
Original Courier publish date: March, 2019